Scuba Diver from Egypt


I met Mostafa Helal, who runs a Scuba diving school and resort while he was in the queue at the juice centre. Then he asked what is the meaning of “Jai Dev”. People asked him “Did you not do the basic course?” He said he had done but he didn't know its meaning. Some people gave him brief answers. Then I offered to answer. Then we went to amphitheatre(See the photo above) to discuss this. I gave him the following explanation.

Gu,inSanskrit, means darkness, Ru means light. Guru means the one who dispels darkness by throwing light. Guru need not be a person. It is the consciousness, the Divinity, that is there in you. You need a Guru in physical form to show you the light that you are! means Victory be to this Guru Tatva, your very nature. So when I say Jai Guru Dev to you I mean I bow down to the Divinity that is there in you. Similary when you say Jai Guru Dev, you bow down to the God in me.”

Incidentally we use Jai Guru Dev to mean many things! – Hi, Good Morning, Bye, Good Night. Some times we use these magical words when nothing else works!!

Then Mostafa went on to share his with AoL.

Hi ..I am a singer and guitarist from Egypt and an Ex boxer…so that makes me very Passionate and Hi tempered when provocked.
With all the stress in busy Cairo..and the trafic I had a fight in the street every once and a while..I took the didn't only help me calm down
but, it helped me fill in lots of blanks be more in control of my temper.
I took level 1 – 4 times and level 2 twice..there is a learning every time for those who want to learn.
AOL helps me also focus when praying, so, it is a great thing to be added into ones life..


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